In space and time

Doha ishi - Slope stone


Measurement : 
 26,5 cm
 11,5 cm
  9 cm

Origin : Japan  (Kamo river)

Japan Suiseki Exhibition 2019 6th Edition (Tokyo)
2018 U.B.I. Congress (Arco) : 1° Prize UBI - BCI Excellent Award for Suiseki - I.B.S. Plaque

This suiseki comes from the collections of the late Sugii Chugi (n.2117 of his collection) and Arishige Matsuura, at the time President of the NSA, who exhibited it twice in Europe, in 2011 and 2013. The kiribako has the label from the Sugii collection (in the upper right corner of the box), with the number 2117 and the inscription "Kamogawa danseki, hidari katte, kanzen ubu ishi" (Danseki of the Kamo river, dominant left side, completely natural stone). On each face of the box there is a photo of the stone, for easier storage.

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