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IMG_5954st.JPG5th - 6th October 2013Miyabi Bonsai Ten

by Mrs.Daniela Schifano

Miyabi is a Japanese term used in the Heian period meaning polite refinement, elegance and capacity of enjoying the pleasures of peace. In a calm, refined oasis in Treviso countryside the School of Bonsai Art locates the first edition of Miyabi Bonsai Ten, choosing not only an ancient Venetian residence, Villa Foscarini Cornaro, but also a formula that rewards without prizes.

DSCN3019s.JPG21st - 22nd September 2013The XVI A.I.A.S. National Congress

of Mrs. Daniela Schifano

This is the Tokonoma welcoming the visitors of the XVI AIAS Congress  in the 'Franchi' Museum   : the stone 'The flight' by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo and a beautiful maple, still in its green summer livery. Thanks to the generous hospitality of the Franchi  family, to the collaboration of the staff of the company "Franchi - Bonsai Nurseries", the work of the club Tuscany Association Bonsai and Suiseki Amateurs (ATABS) in Florence, which arranged the preparations, also this year the AIAS Congress stands as the event that is able to display 100 and  more suiseki in Italy.

IMG_0123s.JPG7th - 9th June 2013The XV Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition “City of Frascati"

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

"When I was asked to judge also the suiseki, I thought that there would be showy stones, maybe only two or three. So great was my surprise by the number and the quality being all the stones of high standard, equal to that of a Japanese show". The words I literally refer were uttered by Mr. Toshiro Ogawa, the Japanese guest that this year was the sensei of the XV Exhibition "City of Frascati".
IMG_0661s.JPG1st - 2nd June 2013Bonsai Horizon ...

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

... without forgetting the Suiseki ! In the hinterland of Livorno, among soft hills covered with vineyards, the farm "Costa Nugola" by Marchesi de 'Frescobaldi hosted in its estate the contest-exhibition "Bonsai Horizon" organized by the club "Bonsai Art " in Pisa.

IMG_0366s.JPG19th-21st April 2013The XVII U.B.I. Congress

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Linked to Vieste Bonsai Trophy 2013, the Seventeenth U.B.I. National Congress took place in Vieste. Its members were welcomed by the typical, warm, enthusiastic reception of the South. An impeccable organization was provided by the home clubs: the Daunia Bonsai Club of Foggia and the First Heaven of Acquaviva delle Fonti di Bari, from the choice of the venue to the Congress parallel proposals.

IMG_3288s.JPG22nd-24th February 2013Kokoro-no Bonsai Ten 2013

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano and Mr. Antonio Acampora

Bonsai Exhibition of soul, mind and heart : the first event of 2013 led us on a clear path, rooted in the word Kokoro, which Mr. Antonio Acampora, president of the organizing club Naples Bonsai Club, wanted to underline along with some thoughts that accompanied us in the days before the show, in an unbroken dialogue that took place in the pages of the Forum of Naples Bonsai Club.

IMG_2861s.JPG6-7 October 2012Tutti ... da Enrico !

by Mrs.Daniela Schifano

Non vi sto invitando ad un ristorantino tipico di Trastevere ma a partecipare, ormai il prossimo anno, alla mostra più gradevole, affabile, comunicativa e familiare nel panorama autunnale, sempre accompagnata dalla professionalità che gli amici dell'Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai mettono a disposizione dei propri ospiti. Il menu della cena di gala recita "Tutti da Enrico ... con amicizia" ed è veramente il manifesto di questo evento, dove il presidente Enrico Sallusti accoglie tutti a braccia aperte, offre pranzi, cene, liquorini e caffè, spazi eleganti e armoniosi per le proprie esposizioni, perchè...  "l'ospite è sacro".


IMG_2790s.JPG29-30 September 2012The XV A.I.A.S. National Congress

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

93 stones on display : in Italy it is impossible to see so many suiseki exhibited simultaneously ! For lovers of this art it is a unique opportunity to see the members’ stones among which we publish a selection of the most significant ones.
This edition has been organized by the Bonsai Club of Gonzaga. It took place in the heart of the earthquake zone in Emilia Romagna and was dedicated to the memory of Mr. Willi Benz, who died last year, one of the international experts who several times was called as a judge and a lecturer in the A.I.A.S. Congress.
His wife Mrs. Gudrun Benz was a Judge of the Congress. By her presence she wants to keep alive the memory but above all the teachings of her husband. In fact, we had the pleasure of attending a conference of hers just a week ago at the Crespi Show.

IMG_2707s.JPG14-23 September 2012The Crespi Suiseki Cup 2012

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

"A journey through culture, traditions and history of the East, in the search of bonsai and suiseki ": this has been for years the proposal of the Crespi family who have been organizing for 20 years the International Meeting of Bonsai and Suiseki.

IMG_0928s.JPG8th - 10th June 2012The XIV Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition “City of Frascati"

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

The fountain in the courtyard of the Town Hall at Frascati welcomes visitors with its stone gargoyle which pours water on a cascade of lush ferns. The architecture of stone, water and vegetation seems to anticipate the show set inside the halls of the City Hall by the members of the Bonsai Club Castelli Romani. Here for three days bonsai and Suiseki have been once again the protagonists setting up the fourteenth edition of the Bonsai and Suiseki National Show "City of Frascati". 

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