Chronicles of friendship

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Rome, 8th and 9th October 2011

Here’s once again the appointment at the "Boys’ Town" with the friends of the organizing club, the Cultural Association Bonsai Rome, but also with those who come from far away not to miss this event on two days. Mr. Carlo Maria Galli from Tuscany, Mr. Charles Scafuri and Mr. Antonio Marino from Naples, Mr.Sergio Biagi with his display tables also from Tuscany, Mr.Fabrizio Buccini from Rieti,. These are the names for the suiseki sector coming from far away, as every year, to spend two days in friendship together with us "i romanacci". We talk, we compare, we design and plan, we give advice especially at table, thanks to the warm hospitality offered by Mr. Enrico Sallusti, the president of the organizing club, we meet all to enjoy the same friendly atmosphere where quips, poems and jokes chase each other. We are still trying the miraculous effect of certain Sicilian olives sponsored by Mr. Fabrizio Petruzzello ...
Thanks, then, to all those who make all this possible by their commitment: Mr. Enrico Sallusti, the president, the members of his club and all the staff in charge of the cookery unit, who prepare and serve us never letting us lack in anything. Bonsai and Suiseki at the exhibition, as always, with a large attendance of  plants, partially because this year the show has 'doubled': as a matter of fact with a sector dedicated to the essences of the only members of the club who were thus able to face each other and check their growth. The many guests from all over Italy, from Piedmont to Sicily, faced with plants of remarkable beauty.

The Suiseki exhibited in a reserved room were 12, one of them was shown out of competition by Judge Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, who assigned the 'Best Suiseki' Award to a mountain stone of Mrs. Daniela Schifano and the  'Mention of Merit' Award to an island stone of Mr. Carlo Scafuri.
The Lake Stone of Mr. Filippo Lanfranchi was awarded with the  'Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine' Award.
Large participation of Naples Bonsai Club with the stones of its members, including veterans from the  successful participation at the AIAS exhibition in Florence: this can only please those who exert themselves to spread this art.

We are not many, we suiseki lovers from central Italy, thus meeting opportunities to become moments to be exploited for dialogue on the many issues relating, more than other, to the exhibit of our stones. How tall should  a table be? How to design a multi-display at best?  What sizes for a suiban?  Can this stone have a life as a 'Suiseki'?  Well, the questions were put on the table of public debate and dialogue and the presence of experts such as Mr. Sergio Biagi, Mr. Fabrizio Buccini and Mr. Tiberio Gracco gave an important contribution to their solution.
Now, the long winter break: however, the next appointment will come earlier than usual at the end of February in Pescia, on the occasion of the exhibition 'Under the winter sky', organized by the Franchi Nursery, which will reserve 20 seats to suiseki  this year.

Award for 'Best Suiseki'


Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Landscape Stone
"Old song"

Mention of Merit
Mr.. Carlo Scafuri
Napoli Bonsai Club Onlus
Landscape Stone
"Eneepah - Mirage island"

"Bonsai & Suiseki Magazine Plaque" Award

Mr. Filippo Lanfranchi
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
Landscape Stone
"The well of desires"


Out of contest

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Associazione Sabina Suiseki e Bonsai di Rieti Pattern Stone

The other stones in display

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani

Mr. Raffaele Cacace
Napoli Bonsai Club Onlus
Landscape Stone
"The smell of wild must"

Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Pattern stone
"The sea by night"

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli 
Landscape Stone
"Dead stone"

Mr. Giuseppe Iudice
Napoli Bonsai Club Onlus

Mr. Antonio Marino
Napoli Bonsai Club Onlus
Landscape Stone
"The sails"
Mr. Antonio Marino
Napoli Bonsai Club Onlus
Pattern Stone

Mrs. Laura Monni
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
Landscape Stone
"Cliff to the west"




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