
Dan-seki - Plateau Stone

Measurement : 
36 cm
12 cm 
12 cm

Origin : Pyrenees
Owner : Mr. François Buttin

The Suiseki Forum Force & Beauté Friends

The administrator Mr. Marco Favero introduces the Suiseki Forum Force & Beauté    

L'admin Marco Favero présente le Forum Suiseki Force & Beauté

The Suiseki Forum Force & Beauté was born on 1st of June 2004 on the initiative of Mr. Greg Lapruch, who to develop it asks first the Bonsai enthusiasts in France and then the members of the French Suiseki Association (Afas) for help. I joined the forum about a month later on Greg’s request since I had two websites dedicated to Bonsai and Suiseki, and then I became an administrator when Greg left for personal reasons.
We have changed address at present since the hosting site (Aceboard.fr) showed signs of neglect and imminent closure. To avoid losing the work of years we moved to the present site which is totally controlled by us and therefore more 'secure.
Little by little we formed a nice group and began to develop the art of Suiseki according to Japanese rules. We also decided to get together to search for stones in our territory, first in the Southern Alps, then in the Pyrenees. This year we decided to organize our first exhibition in Ste-Tulle, a small Provençal village near Manosque and Aix-en-Provence, to strengthen our ties and face each other.
Here we displayed our best stones, our group is still small, we need to expand more, nevertheless enthusiasm as well as desire of perfection are here:  all together we exhibited forty stones, here you'll see about thirty stones as the other ones were exhibited only for demonstration, without the appropriate rules, to enable the participants to see all the available materials.  I would like to thank all the participants in this event, particularly Mr. François Buttin, who was a valuable contributor and hosted us in his village with his Bonsai friends, and Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, who came as a friend and as an expert to support us and enable us to admire his beautiful stones. With his experience and expertise he also helped us to animate a daiza stage daiza while I myself gave a lecture with slides on art of Suiseki.
Le Forum Suiseki Force&Beauté nait le 1er Juin 2004 par Greg Lapruch, qui demande l’aide en France pour se développer aux amateurs de Bonsaï et de l’Association Française Amateurs de Suiseki (Afas). Je suis entré dans ce Forum un mois après puisque j’avais deux sites Web dédiés soit aux Bonsaï soit aux Suiseki et Greg m’avait contacté pour savoir si je voulais participer ; ensuite je suis devenu l’admin car Greg a abandonné le Forum pour des raisons personnelles. 
Actuellement nous avons changé d’adresse car le site qui nous hébergeait (Aceboard.fr) donnait des signes de fermeture et par précaution nous avons préféré être sur un site sur et contrôlé par nous.
Petit à petit nous avons formé un groupe sympathique et avons commencé à s’intéresser à l’art du Suiseki bien sûr en se rapprochant du style Japonais. Nous avons commencé à se rencontrer pour aller en cherche de pierres, d’abord dans les Alpes du Sud et puis aussi dans les Pyrénées. Cette année nous avons pensé d’organiser notre première exposition à Ste-Tulle, un petit village Provençal près de Manosque et d’Aix-en-Provence, pour resserrer nos liens et se confronter. Ici nous exposons nos meilleures pierres pour le moment, notre association est encore petite et nous devons grandir encore, mais l’enthousiasme est là et nous désirons progresser : nous avons exposé une quarantaine de pierres, mais vous en verrez seulement une trentaine car certaines pierres étaient exposées pour une démonstration, pour donner aux visiteurs une gamme de matériel très différent de façon qu’on puisse les reconnaitre lors des recherches. Je tiens à remercier tous les membres du Forum qui ont participé à cette aventure et en particulier à François Buttin, qui m’a si bien épaulé pour l’organisation et nous a accueilli avec ses amis Bonsaistes dans son village et à Fabrizio Buccini, qui est venu en ami pour nous soutenir et exposer ses belles pierres. Notre Forum a organisé un atelier de fabrication de daiza sous la haute surveillance et compétence de Fabrizio et moi-même j’ai tenu une conférence Diaporama sur les Suiseki.
http://www.forumsuiseki.org/forum/      http://www.forumsuiseki.org/forum/
Non-subscribers can only read the subjects of "Suiseki Café”.
To join it is compulsory to insert the city and country of residence and wait for activation.                                                

Les visiteurs pourront lire seulement le sujet "Suiseki Café".
Pour s'inscrire il est obligatoire d'insérer la ville de résidence et le pays pour les étrangers, et il faut attendre l'activation de l'admin.

Welcoming... the "Suiseki Community"


Not a forum, not a blog, not a chat !
These are pages that we place with pleasure at disposal of our 'friends of stone', the people we met in the world thanks to this passion.
The images of their suiseki as well as experiences and reportages will therefore find space here.

Korean Suseok, by Mr. Juneu Kim

The friend Juneu Kim gives us the opportunity to learn the basics of Suseok, which he presented in his book "Viewing Stones: korean classical concepts". The publication through the images of 100 viewing stones from his collection, takes the reader in learning the traditional Korean ideology, which is based on the selection and appreciation of stones. He sent us for publication on this website, a brief summary about traditional Suseok , and a selection of stones from his collection telling, as he says, the story of his 'yesterday'. Obviously we are waiting for the images of suiseki telling the story of his 'today'!  
We want to emphasize that any new contribution of collectors from different cultures can only attest to the multiplicity and complexity of the art of Suiseki. For each reader, then the task of deepening and the choice of their personal journey.
Daniela Schifano

Web site (under construction)  :
E-mail address : sun.juneu@gmail.com

First of all, it is a pleasure to introduce the ancient concepts of Korean viewing stones.
I pay special respect to Mr. Marco Favero for his effort in introducing Suseok to European communities.
Also, I thank Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, Mr. Felice Colombari and Mrs. Daniela Schifano for providing me with a opportunity to present my natural stones collected in Southern California during 1980 thru 2000.
In my book, I have tried to illustrate the ideology of past Korean scholars by showing stones depicting the following subjects :
  • concept of trinity ;
  • mountain shapes representing the five elements ; 
  • complex near view mountain shapes ;
  • center of energy and four directional animal symbols;
  • three friends of winter ;
  • noble symbols of four seasons.
Also, I have shown the stones found in scholarly landscape paintings and poetry.
All my stones are collected according to my purist belief that viewing stones collectors shall not :
  • buy or sell stones;
  • cut stones;
  • collect stones following the preset classifications based on appearance.
My presentation on this website under "WELCOMING" include only pattern stones telling the story of my "YESTERDAY".
All remaining stones depicting landscape forms are shown at http://www.koreanviewingstones.com


Mon'yo-seki  - Pattern Stone

Measurement : 

Origin : Southern California


Mon'yo-seki  - Pattern Stone

Measurement : 

Origin : Southern California


Mon'yo-seki  - Pattern Stone

Measurement : 

Origin : Southern California


Mon'yo-seki  - Pattern Stone

Measurement : 

Origin : Southern California


Mon'yo-seki  - Pattern Stone

Measurement : 

Origin : Southern California


Mon'yo-seki  - Pattern Stone

Measurement : 

Origin : Southern California
(Soju is a distilled beverage native to Korea, traditionally made from rice. Its taste is comparable to vodka)

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